New Yorks Time Square. Was it Next Bomb Target?

Apparently the bombers were on a mision according to sources today.  I have attatched a video of ABC’s report.  In the interview below you will see the mother of the two young men blame America for her sons demise.  It amazes me how we even kept them fed yet it was Americas fault this happened.  Maybe just maybe it was lack of the presence of there mother to watch over and care for her children.

New Yorks Time Square.  Was it next on the Tsarnaev's agenda?

New Yorks Time Square. Was it next on the Tsarnaev’s agenda?

Dead Americans Can’t Work. Is President Obamas Administration Failing in Counter Terrorism Efforts, or Is the Strategy Just not Right?

The Daily Thought

It never seems to amaze me that congress seems to come up with the things we all realized a week ago.  How could you not know that our counter terrorism strategy isn’t working?  You can’t find one incidence where counter terrorism efforts stopped a terroristic attack.  I’ve done a little digging today after posing the question days ago and did find that of all people Speaker John Boehner just today added his concerns of dismount to counter terrorism efforts in the USA.

House Speaker John Boehner today added his concern to a growing population in Congress questioning whether the US government has been overcome by intelligence failures after failing to excercise opportunities to dis mount  cases of terrorism, including the Boston Bombings.  Where there was evidence, and even a warning from the Russian authorities.

Boehner said he expected relevant committees in the House to examine the facts, particularly why details…

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Dead Americans Can’t Work. Is President Obamas Administration Failing in Counter Terrorism Efforts, or Is the Strategy Just not Right?

Is this the group of individuals we need making decisions.  While they fight and bicker over furloughs.  Americans are dying because they don't have the agencies aligned...

Is this the group of individuals we need making decisions. While they fight and bicker over furloughs. Americans are dying because they don’t have the agencies aligned…

It never seems to amaze me that congress seems to come up with the things we all realized a week ago.  How could you not know that our counter terrorism strategy isn’t working?  You can’t find one incidence where counter terrorism efforts stopped a terroristic attack.  I’ve done a little digging today after posing the question days ago and did find that of all people Speaker John Boehner just today added his concerns of dismount to counter terrorism efforts in the USA.

House Speaker John Boehner today added his concern to a growing population in Congress questioning whether the US government has been overcome by intelligence failures after failing to excercise opportunities to dis mount  cases of terrorism, including the Boston Bombings.  Where there was evidence, and even a warning from the Russian authorities.

Boehner said he expected relevant committees in the House to examine the facts, particularly why details of bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s international travel were not shared between the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI after Russia asked the United States for help in 2011 investigating  his alleged ties to Islamic extremists.

Is this the answer how many attacks has it taken for him to ask this simple question?

Is this the answer how many attacks has it taken for him to ask this simple question?

“I have concerns about what agencies knew what and the fact that it wasn’t shared,” Boehner, R-Ohio, said. “If the information is good enough for one agency of the government, why shouldn’t it be appropriate for other agencies of the government? We’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

After the brutal Boston attacks, House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul and Rep. Pete King, a member of the homeland security and intelligence committees, co-authored a letter April 20 to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and FBI Director Robert Mueller III to question the “efficacy of federal counter terrorism efforts.”

Republicans Rep. McCaul of Texas and Rep. King of New York  point to five separate terrorists tied to terror attempts in the United States since 9/11/2001, including Anwar al-Awlaki, David Headley, Carlos Bledsoe and Nidal Hasan, in addition to Faruq Abdulmutallab, who attempted the underwear bombing despite being identified as a potential terrorist by the CIA.

As President George W. Bush prepares to open his library  in Dallas, Texas Thursday, Rep. Tom Cotton, a freshman Republican from Arkansas, went to the House floor this afternoon to “express grave doubts about the Obama Administration’s counter terrorism policies and programs” and contrast President Obama and Bush’s records to protect the country from terrorism after 9/11.

“Counterterrorism is often shrouded in secrecy, as it should be, so let us judge by the results,” Cotton, who served tours as an infantry officer in Iraq and Afghanistan, said. “In barely four years in office, five jihadists have reached their targets in the United States under Barack Obama: the Boston Marathon bomber, the underwear bomber, the Times Square Bomber, the Fort Hood shooter, and in my own state—the Little Rock recruiting office shooter. In the over seven years after 9/11 under George W. Bush, how many terrorists reached their target in the United States? Zero!

“We need to ask: Why is the Obama Administration failing in its mission to stop terrorism before it reaches its targets in the United States?” he said.

Is it really Obama the problem or is it the entire congress instead?

Is it really Obama the problem or is it the entire congress instead?

“It raises some serious questions,” Boehner said. “I don’t want to get in the business of indicting agencies or agency heads until we have all the facts and there may be facts to support each of these five cases, but … we want to understand exactly what happened, and what didn’t happen, and hold those responsible that if, in fact, there were opportunities to stop these people when we didn’t do it.”

Lawmakers briefed Tuesday evening also said top officials have been unable to explain why the FBI stopped tracking Tsarnaev after the assistance to the Russians was completed.

“The main question is the FBI’s investigation going back to 2011 and why it was not followed up since then,” King told reporters after a classified briefing by Mueller, Napolitano and National Counter Terrorism Center Director Matthew Olsen Tuesday evening. “There were answers given but, again, I think we have to look into it more.”

“The FBI has a lot of work to do,” McCaul added. “They’ve admitted as such, and that this investigation now after the fact has really just begun.”

For all the frustration about missed opportunities, Boehner had high praise for everyone involved in the manhunt and capture of bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Friday night.

“Last week was a rough week for our nation, but I think our law enforcement officials at every level did a very outstanding job of working together and doing their best to keep America safe,” he said.

Officials from the FBI are expected to privately brief members of the House Intelligence committee later today while another update is planned at the Homeland Security committee Thursday.

It is a shame that this is a senseless act that could have been prevented it seems with a little more inter-agency communications.  Maybe it is a simple answer, merge the FBI, CIA, and Homeland security.  It seems they all have the same agenda why use three separate agencies when one center of command would greatly beneficial.  What do you think merge to have one agency or continue to fund three failing ones?

USA versus Canadian Counter-terrorism. Why are they Stopping Terrorist Attacks while the USA Lets Terrorist Slip through?

Al Qaeda stopped cold by Canadian Government

Al Qaeda stopped cold by Canadian Government

So today I open the abc news website and once again in the first headlines is an attempted attack by al Qaeda in Canada.  The attack was planned to be executed on a Canadian commuter train.  If this would have made it through it would have resulted in loss of many lives.  Yes, this isn’t in America but right next door.  How do we stop this?  The answer to my own question is that we can’t.  Should we continue to frequent huge events and concerts and all the things that makes us American?  Should we continue to use subways, trains, and planes?  I think personally that we must continue life as we do everyday or either we must live in fear like they do Afghanistan and Iraq as a matter of fact pretty much like most Nations in the Middle East and increasingly so in Asia.  Focusing highly on the Korean issues heating up steadily again.  It is the American dream to do what we want, when we want, and how we want. However, as each terrorist attack comes and goes here in America we all may say we continue on as always, but truth being we all look a little harder every time we pass someone with darker skin than ours.  We look a little harder every time we see a box  setting where it shouldn’t be.  I hate discrimination, however it has been embedded in our thoughts.  Look the first people grabbed in Boston on the day of the bombings was a man with dark colored skin.  I will point out he was not the one.  It is a shame that we must live in fear of all, because the ignorance of this group of so very few.  How do we overcome this feeling inside?  As much as I like to say I’m not afraid, when I set back and analyze, and lay it out on the table, I realize that I’m very much afraid.  In all this I would like to ask what is congress doing to help make sure we are all a little safer?  Is the Furloughs that the government has initiated safe.  They have cut back on security in airports once again, and almost allowed small weapons to be carried on flights again.  This is crazy in a time of terror lets allow cuts that make people feel a little safer go into affect.  Another thing is we pay great amounts of money obviously for the CIA and FBI how much terrorism do they actually stop.  I don’t see in the news where CIA stopped major bombing of planes today.  It always seems to be something similar to what happened last week in Boston, which to sum it all up was re-active not pro-active.  I read an article where Russia questioned the USA one year ago about the eldest brothers travels to Russia?  What was done then?  I’m through with my government bashing now.  I started this blog to get opinions on things I could pass to our local congress people.  So out of this I would like to know in majority would you rather see your money spent visually at air ports and train stations?  Or, would you rather keep throwing unknown amounts of money into a CIA an FBI which you never hear of stopping a problem only reacting to one.  Question in short where should government cutbacks really be?  Where do we get our bang for our buck so to speak?  I am very proud of the Canadians who seem to have counteracted a major attack even though it took them 8 months of investigating they still stopped it and then publicized that they did so.  I’m going to post several related article links and a video link to things that occurred in Canada today.  I’m also attaching a link with CIA analyst recruitment with there starting salaries listed.  I do find it rather embarrassing that someone looking to stop a terrorist attack working for the CIA makes less than most fast food managers.  I hate to contradict myself in the same article but wow that astonishes me and maybe we do need those furloughs in the airports because those poor CIA analyst may need a raise.  I will credit the FBI however for its roll in helping Canada today Great Job.  For those of you that don’t understand the difference between the FBI and CIA there is also a link for that.

CIA job posting and pay grade link

Canadian Terror Attack spoiled link

CIA or FBI what the difference